The main objectives at this stage are:
- Conduct regular transition readiness assessments, beginning at age 14 to 16, to identify and discuss with youth and parent/caregiver their needs for self-care and how to use health care services .
- Offer education and resources on needed skills identified through the transition readiness assessment
Transition Readiness
Assessing youths’ health care transition (HCT) readiness skills is the third element in the Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition™. Use of a standardized transition readiness assessment (TRA) is helpful in engaging youth and parents/caregivers to set health priorities, addressing self-care skill needs to prepare them for an adult approach to care at age 18, and preparing them to independently use health care services. Clinicians can use the results of the TRA to jointly develop a plan of care with youth and parents/caregivers. Clinicians should begin conducting TRAs at age 14 to 16 and continue throughout the HCT period until the youth has transferred. The final TRA should be included in the transfer package and sent to the receiving adult clinician. The TRA should be at the appropriate reading level, offered in languages common among your clinic population, and concise (no more than one page).