10 Reasons to Be Screened

Objective: Helping the learner realise why it is simple and easy to get screened. Time: 5 minutes. Here’s some reason to be screened for sickle…

Give Blood

Learn about how easy it is to give blood and what you accomplish when you do.

Organize a Blood Drive

Leverage you desire to help by becoming an advocate and organizer for your own local blood drive. The American Red Cross will help.

How to use your 360 SCD Hub app

This challenge will be made available to our beta users first and will be available to the public shortly. Earn your badge and a special…

SCD Real Stories Challenge

To truly understand the face of SickleCell, one must really immerse themselves amongst those living with Sickle Cell. The Centers for Disease and Control (CDC)…

Educational Services

Where the patient is 1/3 of their day, 5 days a week, is a place where they need to be safe and have a knowledgable…