The main objectives to accomplish for success involve a very positive first visit:
• Prepare for initial visit by reviewing transfer package with appropriate team members . • Address any concerns young adult has about transferring to adult care and take into account any cultural preferences
• Clarify an adult approach to care (shared decision-making, privacy and consent, access to information), adherence to care, preferred methods of communication, and health literacy needs .
• Conduct self-care skills assessment if not recently completed and discuss their needs for self-care and how to use health care services .
• Offer education and resources on needed skills identified through the self-care skills assessment.
• Review young adult’s health priorities as part of their plan of care . • Update and share with young adult their medical summary and emergency care plan .
One approach to success is using the “Key Drivers” discussion with staff to be sure all are onboard with the problems and unified approaches to be used, and tested. This should take place prior to onboarding the patients.
More material on this approach is in the Implementation Guide in the “Materials” folder on the top of this course and lesson home pages.