Lesson 10 of 12
In Progress

Lesson 9: Course Conclusion and Resources CG

Dr. Rob November 30, 2023

Course Conclusion and Resources

– Recap of Key Concepts
As we near the end of this course, we’ll take a moment to recap the key concepts and insights covered throughout the modules. This recap serves as a refresher of the essential elements of healthcare transition.
By revisiting these key concepts, you’ll reinforce your understanding of the transition process and its significance in healthcare.

– Accessing Additional Resources
Healthcare transition is a dynamic field with evolving practices and resources. In this section, you’ll gain access to a curated list of additional resources tailored to care practitioners.
These resources include guidelines, tools, and references that can further support your role in facilitating successful healthcare transitions. By utilizing these resources, you can stay updated and informed in this important area of healthcare.

– Question-and-Answer Session
To ensure that all your questions and concerns are addressed, we’ll conclude this course with a question-and-answer session. This session provides an opportunity for you to seek clarification on any topics covered in the course or discuss specific challenges you may be facing in your practice.
Our goal is to ensure that you feel confident and well-equipped to support young patients through their healthcare transitions. Your active participation in the Q&A session is encouraged.