360° SCD Hub Overview

Introducing the 360° SCD Hub:

A Revolutionary App Transforming the Sickle Cell Disease Ecosystem

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 360° SCD Hub, a state-of-the-art mobile app and on-line platform designed to empower, educate, and connect the entire Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) community. 

Developed by the Sickle Cell Foundation of Arizona in collaboration with the Force for Health® Network, and funded by a grant from the Health & Human Resources Administration (HRSA), this innovative platform is set to redefine how individuals living with SCD, healthcare providers, and the general public engage with this complex condition.

A United Front Against SCD

The launch of the 360° SCD Hub marks a significant milestone in the fight against Sickle Cell Disease. By bridging the gap between those living with SCD, the medical community, and the general public, the app creates a united front against the challenges posed by the disease. It’s more than just a tool; it’s a movement towards a more informed, supportive, and engaged SCD ecosystem.

Join us on this exciting journey as we explore the possibilities that the 360° SCD Hub brings to the SCD community and beyond.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by Sickle Cell Disease. Download the app today and become a part of the revolution.

For Those Living with SCD

The 360° SCD Hub is more than just an app; it’s a lifeline. It offers personalized health tracking tools, educational resources, and a supportive community right at your fingertips.

Whether you’re seeking advice on managing daily symptoms, looking for the latest treatment options, or simply need to connect with others who understand your journey, the Hub is your go-to resource.

Through empowering individuals with SCD to take charge of their health, the Hub aims to improve quality of life and foster a sense of control over the condition.

Medical Community

Healthcare professionals play a crucial role in the management and treatment of SCD. The 360° SCD Hub serves as an invaluable tool for the medical community, providing access to the latest research, treatment strategies, and patient education materials.

By facilitating easy access to a wealth of resources, the app supports healthcare providers in delivering the highest quality of care.

Moreover, it encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing among professionals, driving advancements in SCD care.

General Public

Awareness and understanding of SCD are vital for fostering a supportive environment for those affected by the disease.

The 360° SCD Hub educates the general public about SCD, dispelling myths and promoting empathy. It highlights how everyone—from school nurses and policymakers to volunteers and donors—can contribute to the well-being of individuals with SCD.

Through increasing public awareness, the app plays a crucial role in advocating for better care, support, and funding for SCD research.

Living with SCD
Are you Living with Sickle Cell Disease?

Join our new community and connect with education, resources, tools, trackers, SCD Peers and our passionate medical community.

Engage with us and earn your Sickle Sense Healthy Coins as you LEARN, LIVE and SHARE with us to better support and advocate for the entire Sickle Cell Communities.

Free to Use

If you or a loved one is living with Sickle Cell Disease(SCD), then please know that we have the built 360° SCD Hub app, resources and communities for you.

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Medical Communty
Healthcare Workers:
Do you know SCD?

The 360° SCD Hub is designed to help educate and support healthcare workers in a way that helps better support the families and patients living with Sickle Cell Disease. We invite you to join our community today.

Be in the KNOW for SCD

If you are a healthcare worker, across all levels, it is important to understand the basics of Sickle Cell Disease to improve diagnosis and care plans.

Start testing your knowledge and earn your Sickle Sense Healthy Coins!

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General Community
Communities Who Care about SCD

If you are an individual or leader who cares about learning more about Sickle Cell Disease because your friends or loved ones are affected by SCD, or you simply want to be a support our global communities, then please join our 360° SCD Hub to LEARN, LIVE and SHARE with us together.

Increase your Health Literacy or Step up to Volunteer

Get started for free and earn your Sickle Sense Coins and badges along your learning journey in the 360° SCD Hub and on-line health academy.

Organizations that serve the SCD families, like the Sickle Cell Foundation of Arizona are always looking for volunteers, so please join the community and connect with those whom you can help.

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