Can you get creative enough to have your school win a scholarship. In the video above, MaRico Tippett suggests an idea that takes advantage of situations where people come together, making it very convenient to also co-host a blood drive. Think about it…then act. People like you or your friends need blood right now.

There is a massive need for blood for Sickle Cell patients. Many of them have blood types that require certain features that are more likely found in patients with African heritage.
What if your school could use a major event like a sports or band event and tie it to a local blood drive there? What if a group of you set up a blood drive at the school or house of worship? You would be advancing donations and saving lives.
You would also become eligible for scholarships at your school. Check out the pictured document and links in the Materials folder above and think about. Better yet, talk about, and act. It would make a great capstone project, service project, or Reality Health Games IDEAS project.