Lesson 11 of 11
In Progress

Tip 10: Keep a Medication Journal

Coach_Kacey October 31, 2023
  • Maintain a Medication Journal
    • Purpose of Tracking
      • Consider keeping a medication journal to track important details such as your daily doses, any experienced side effects, and instances of missed doses.
    • Facilitating Evaluation
      • This journal serves as a valuable tool for both you and your healthcare provider to evaluate your medication management effectively.
  • Tracking Daily Doses and Side Effects
    • Recording Doses
      • Documenting your daily doses allows you to ensure adherence to your prescribed regimen and identify any patterns or trends in your medication use. In the Materials folder above, is a copy of this simple MAC Tracker for you to download and try out if you wish. Its similar to what nurses use in the hospital where it is called an MAR or Medication Administration Record.
      • Noting Side Effects
        • Keeping track of any side effects experienced helps you and your healthcare provider assess the tolerability of your medications and make necessary adjustments.
  • Documenting Missed Doses
    • Identifying Patterns
      • Recording instances of missed doses allows you to identify potential barriers to adherence and work towards finding solutions to address them.
  • Patient Responsibility and Safety
    • Active Monitoring
      • Taking responsibility for maintaining a medication journal demonstrates proactive monitoring of your medication use and adherence.
    • Enhancing Communication
      • Sharing your medication journal with your healthcare provider promotes open communication and collaboration, ultimately leading to better treatment outcomes and improved safety.