Lesson 9 of 11
In Progress

Tip 8: Medication Refills

Coach_Kacey October 31, 2023

Understanding Medication Purpose and Duration

  • Control vs. Cure:
    • Recognize that some medications are intended to control a condition rather than cure it.
  • Continuous Treatment:
    • Understand that you may need to refill prescriptions and continue taking certain medications indefinitely to manage chronic conditions effectively.

Managing Chronic Conditions

  • Lifelong Treatment:
    • Some conditions require long-term medication management to maintain symptom control and prevent disease progression.
  • Regular Refills:
    • Be prepared for the need to refill prescriptions regularly to ensure uninterrupted treatment. Consider getting a 90 day supply as it is often cheaper. Don’t hesitate to ask you provider for samples or discount coupons.

Patient Responsibility and Safety

  • Acceptance of Long-Term Treatment:
    • Taking responsibility for continued medication use acknowledges the necessity of ongoing treatment for managing chronic conditions.
  • Ensuring Adherence:
    • By recognizing the need for regular refills and ongoing medication use, patients prioritize adherence to their treatment plan, promoting better health outcomes in the long term.