My 360° SCD Hub HealthTracker Charts

Welcome to My Pain Crisis Tracker Charts, which will start to populate once you have completed a few submittals in My Pain Crisis Tracker. You will earn 10 LIVE It! SickleSense Coins each time you do! You are your best health advocate, so invest the small amount of time to document these instances and your will help others be able to better help you along the way.
Please sign in at from a computer or external browser to export or download this report below.
My Medication Tracker
What would you like to track with this submittal? | Medication Name | What medication would you like to add? | Does your care provider want you to take this medicine indefinitey? | Type of Medication | Date of Usage | Time of Usage | Did I fulfill my medication needs today? | Why didn't you take your medications today? | What other reason for not taking your medications today? | Dosage Amount (enter a number) | Dosage Unit Type | Unit number of prescribed period | Duration of Prescription (time units) | Other Unit Dosage Type | Frequency | Other frequency | Start date for prescription | End Date for Prescription | What other form of medication is this? | Purpose of medication | Other side effect | Type of Side Effects: Click all that apply | Entry Date | Entry ID | User | User IP |
Other | Tablets | 01/04/2024 | Headaches | None | 01/04/2024 10:33 AM | 26 | | |||||||||||||||||||
What would you like to track with this submittal? | Medication Name | What medication would you like to add? | Does your care provider want you to take this medicine indefinitey? | Type of Medication | Date of Usage | Time of Usage | Did I fulfill my medication needs today? | Why didn't you take your medications today? | What other reason for not taking your medications today? | Dosage Amount (enter a number) | Dosage Unit Type | Unit number of prescribed period | Duration of Prescription (time units) | Other Unit Dosage Type | Frequency | Other frequency | Start date for prescription | End Date for Prescription | What other form of medication is this? | Purpose of medication | Other side effect | Type of Side Effects: Click all that apply | Entry Date | Entry ID | User | User IP |
Please sign in at from a computer or external browser to export or download this report below.
My 360° Pain Crisis Detailed Report by Incident
Time of Incident | Date of Incident | What would you like to track today? | What type of Pain Crisis did you have? | What other symptom are you experiencing? | What part of the body is the pain? | What were you doing when this symptom occured? | What other activity triggered this pain? | Rate your Pain for this Symptom Pre-treatment (1-Low, 10-High): | Additional Notes about this Pain Incident? | Upload photo | Weather Tracker: How was the weather when your symptom(s) started? | additionalnotesaboutthispainincident1 | uploadphoto1 | How was your hydration at time of symptom onset? | Additional Notes about this hydration submittal? | Upload photo about your mood | What was your mood before pain? | Additional Notes about this Mood Tracker submittal? | uploadphotoaboutyourmood1 | What is your Blood Pressure: Systolic mm Hg (Upper Number) | What is your Blood Pressure: Diastolic mm Hg (Lower Number) | What is your pulse Oximeter Reading? | What is your pulse/heartbeat per minute? | Additional Notes about this Vital SignTracker submittal? | Upload photo about your Medication Tracker Submittal | Treatments | What other treatment did you do? | What kind of prescription medicine did you take? | What other prescription did you take? | What kind of non-prescription medicine did you take? | What other non-prescription did you take? | Additional Notes about this Medication Tracker submittal? | uploadphotoaboutyourmedicationtrackersubmittal1 | Rate your Symptom #1 Pain hour after treatment (1-Low, 10-High) | Mood After Pain Treatment | whatkindofprescriptionmedicinedidyoutake1 | When did you take your medicine? | whatotherprescriptiondidyoutake1 | What would you like to do today? | What are you Allergic to? | What medicine are you allergic to had a side effect? | What foods are you allergic to? | Type of Reaction | whatotherprescriptiondidyoutake2 | What medicine caused an allergy? | Rate Severity of Reaction (1-low and 10-high) | Type of Lab Test | Numeric Results | Additional Notes on Lab Results | Upload picture of results | id |
Hide Field Value Restricted, Hide Field Value Restricted, Hide Field Value Restricted, Hide Field Value Restricted | 248 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time of Incident | Date of Incident | What would you like to track today? | What type of Pain Crisis did you have? | What other symptom are you experiencing? | What part of the body is the pain? | What were you doing when this symptom occured? | What other activity triggered this pain? | Rate your Pain for this Symptom Pre-treatment (1-Low, 10-High): | Additional Notes about this Pain Incident? | Upload photo | Weather Tracker: How was the weather when your symptom(s) started? | additionalnotesaboutthispainincident1 | uploadphoto1 | How was your hydration at time of symptom onset? | Additional Notes about this hydration submittal? | Upload photo about your mood | What was your mood before pain? | Additional Notes about this Mood Tracker submittal? | uploadphotoaboutyourmood1 | What is your Blood Pressure: Systolic mm Hg (Upper Number) | What is your Blood Pressure: Diastolic mm Hg (Lower Number) | What is your pulse Oximeter Reading? | What is your pulse/heartbeat per minute? | Additional Notes about this Vital SignTracker submittal? | Upload photo about your Medication Tracker Submittal | Treatments | What other treatment did you do? | What kind of prescription medicine did you take? | What other prescription did you take? | What kind of non-prescription medicine did you take? | What other non-prescription did you take? | Additional Notes about this Medication Tracker submittal? | uploadphotoaboutyourmedicationtrackersubmittal1 | Rate your Symptom #1 Pain hour after treatment (1-Low, 10-High) | Mood After Pain Treatment | whatkindofprescriptionmedicinedidyoutake1 | When did you take your medicine? | whatotherprescriptiondidyoutake1 | What would you like to do today? | What are you Allergic to? | What medicine are you allergic to had a side effect? | What foods are you allergic to? | Type of Reaction | whatotherprescriptiondidyoutake2 | What medicine caused an allergy? | Rate Severity of Reaction (1-low and 10-high) | Type of Lab Test | Numeric Results | Additional Notes on Lab Results | Upload picture of results | id |

Welcome to my Treatment Tracker Charts which will start to populate once you’ve submitted some information in My Treatment Tracker. This is a great way to track what types of treatment actually reduce pain an hour later, and to help you make better decisions in how you manage your pain crisis along the way.
My 360° PainTracker by Treatment Type Effectiveness
Date of Incident | Rate your Pain for this Symptom Pre-treatment (1-Low, 10-High): | Additional Notes about this Pain Incident? | Upload photo | Treatments | Rate your Symptom #1 Pain hour after treatment (1-Low, 10-High) |
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Date of Incident | Rate your Pain for this Symptom Pre-treatment (1-Low, 10-High): | Additional Notes about this Pain Incident? | Upload photo | Treatments | Rate your Symptom #1 Pain hour after treatment (1-Low, 10-High) |

Welcome to my Vital Signs Tracker Chart, which will start to populate once you’ve submitted some information in My Vital Signs Section in the 360° Health Tracker Form. This is a great way to track your vital signs on an everyday or regular basis. Please note that we have also included Vital Signs Tracker as part of the Pain Crisis Tracker, also, so if you experiencing a pain crisis, we suggest you make an entry in their, to associate yotur Vital Signs with specific pain incidences. This is more for general tracking purposes.Sec
My Pain Crisis & Vital Signs Tracker
Time of Incident | Date of Incident | What type of Pain Crisis did you have? | What part of the body is the pain? | What were you doing when this symptom occured? | Rate your Pain for this Symptom Pre-treatment (1-Low, 10-High): | What is your Blood Pressure: Systolic mm Hg (Upper Number) | What is your Blood Pressure: Diastolic mm Hg (Lower Number) | What is your pulse oximeter reading? | What is your pulse/heartbeat per minute? | What is your body temperature? | id |
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Time of Incident | Date of Incident | What type of Pain Crisis did you have? | What part of the body is the pain? | What were you doing when this symptom occured? | Rate your Pain for this Symptom Pre-treatment (1-Low, 10-High): | What is your Blood Pressure: Systolic mm Hg (Upper Number) | What is your Blood Pressure: Diastolic mm Hg (Lower Number) | What is your pulse oximeter reading? | What is your pulse/heartbeat per minute? | What is your body temperature? | id |

Welcome to My Allergic Reactions charts, which will start to populate once you start tracking an allergic reaction you have in My Allergy Tracker

Welcome to My Barriers to Care Tracker Chart, which will start to populate as you start to track any of the times you felt that you could not get the physical health or mental care that you you needed because of some type of barrier outside your control. Start tracking these instances here in My Barrier to Care Tracker