Depending on how you implemented the core elements, you may need to plan for spread. Do
you need to spread to other physicians, other practices, other specialties, or throughout a
health care system? Create a plan for spread. Who is the target for the spread? Identify your
opinion leaders, messengers, and allies. Is there both senior leadership and front line leadership
for spread? Is improvement methodology understood by the target areas? Allow testing of any
generic tools you’ve created and allow further adapting to the spread practices. You can spread
one element at a time, or all six simultaneously. Identify a spread champion who can help the
other providers and/or practices throughout the process. If possible, target your early adopter
providers or practices first. Find your opinion leaders or influencers to help. Engage both front
line leadership and formal leadership for resources. Identify what measures are needed to
demonstrate successful spread. They may be the original measures, and/or any additional
measures (see here for more information). Use the spread checklist found in the QI Primer.