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360° Human Explorer Challenge
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Learn how to use the features of these models
End Stage renal Disease: 360° SDC Human -
BrainSickle Cell: Avascular Necrosis
SCD: Leg Ulcers
Heart & LungsSCD: Priapism
Spleen Tissue and Infarct: 360° SDC Human
Sickle Cell Eye Complications: Retinal Detachment
Liver/Gall BladderSCD: Vasoconstriction and Vasodilatation
Sickle Cell: Splenomegaly
SCD: Anemia Blood Cells
SpleenSickle Cell Eye Complications: Subconjunctival Hemorrhage
KidneysIschemic/Hemorrhagic Stroke: 360° SDC Human
Silent Cerebral Infarct and Cognitive Impairment: 360° SDC Human
Restrictive Lung disease: 360° SDC Human
BonesPulmonary Hypertension: 360° SDC Human
EyesRestrictive Cardiomyopathy: 360° SDC Human
Jaundice: 360° SCD Human
OthersGallstones: 360° SDC Human
Chronic Kidney Disease and Manifestations: 360° SDC Human
SCD: Acute Chest Syndrome (ACS)
Orientation with Dr.Rob
SCD: Sickle Induced Thrombus Occlusion
Participants 170
Lesson 6 of 21
In Progress