My Pain Crisis Tracker Only
My Pain Crisis Tracker Only
Date of Pain Crisis | Time of Pain Incident | Activity at Time of Pain Onset | What other activity triggered this pain? | Weather Category at time of Pain Onset | Hydration at time of pain onset | Mood right before pain? | What is your main pain crisis? | What other pain are you experiencing? | What part of the body is the pain? | Rate this Pain Crisis (1-Low, 10-High): | Blood Pressure: Systolic | Blood Pressure: Dialstolic | What is your pulse oximeter reading? | Additional Notes | Hidden User ID | Hidden IP | Entry Date | Entry ID | User | User IP |
02/04/2024 | 02:24 PM | Dealing with Stress, Other | Sort of hydrated | Neutral – not good, not bad | Leg Swelling | Upper Back, Lower Back, Legs, Feet | 6 | | 02/07/2024 07:49 PM | 257 | | |||||||||
02/18/2024 | Relaxing | Mild (61°F – 90°F) | Sort of hydrated | Ok…feeling decent | Other | Chest pain | | 02/18/2024 09:54 AM | 371 | | ||||||||||
Date of Pain Crisis | Time of Pain Incident | Activity at Time of Pain Onset | What other activity triggered this pain? | Weather Category at time of Pain Onset | Hydration at time of pain onset | Mood right before pain? | What is your main pain crisis? | What other pain are you experiencing? | What part of the body is the pain? | Rate this Pain Crisis (1-Low, 10-High): | Blood Pressure: Systolic | Blood Pressure: Dialstolic | What is your pulse oximeter reading? | Additional Notes | Hidden User ID | Hidden IP | Entry Date | Entry ID | User | User IP |
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