About Me

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My Role(s)

Certified 360° SCD Hub Coach, General Public

My Healthcare Team

Notes about this Care Provider

This care provider has two brothers living with sickle cell and I thought that was interesting

Notes about this Care Provider

This coach helps me with my flexibility and it’s been really helpful He told me to call him later and keep in touch

Notes about this Care Provider

Carrie‘s been really useful helping me connect to resources in the community and I really appreciate her

Notes about this Care Provider

I met nurse Nancy at my daughters school, and she mentioned her daughter had sickle cell, and she was interested in the project that we are working on, so I wanted to keep in touch with her.

About Me

About Me...why I decided to join the 360° SCD Hub Community

I’m very passionate about helping people learn more about the things that they care about especially when it comes to health and population health issues.

That’s why I’m so honored and humbled to be playing a small role in helping develop this special app on behalf of the Sickle Cell Foundation of Arizona with my partner, Dr. Robert Gillio, here at the Force for Health Network.

We truly hope you find value in this app, and we look forward to your feedback, comments, and suggestions to continuously improve the platform for years to come.

Organization or Company

The Force For Health Network

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