Lesson 5 of 6
In Progress

Blood donation journey…from donor to patient

Dr. Rob December 20, 2023

This video is an overview of what happens to the blood from the time it is donated until it is used to help someone recover or even save a life.

This journey starts with you.

The Challenge with Sickle Cell patients

Many need multiple transfusions. The more you get, the harder it is to get a perfect match. It is not just about blood type but also about other proteins and factors that are in the blood. Those factors that can complicate donations, are reduced if the person who donated the blood is a similar race to you. People of color are especially needed for donations, although any donors blood can be used if the match is good.

If you are healthy, you can donate.

Even high school students may be eligible for donation and certainly eligible to volunteer, recruit donors, and organize blood drives at their school. There is even a scholarship program described in the course on Organizing a Blood Drive.